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Contribute to climate change in a way you can actually afford.

Calculate My Carbon Footprint

How It Works?

1. Calculate Your Footprint

In less than 3 minutes, calculate your household carbon emissions and the cost to offset them. It's less than you think.

2. Make Your Contribution

Support a verified carbon reduction project in exact proportion to your emissions.

3. Receive Rewards

Receive discounts and rewards from sponsor businesses that want to thank you for doing your part for the planet.

Calculate My Carbon Footprint

Featured in Article Link on Forbes

Calculate YOUR Carbon Footprint

Enter the details below to estimate your household carbon emissions.

Let's start with your household details
Household Details

Energy Consumption

How do you get around?
Do you use a vehicle?
Approximate distance travelled by all household members per week:
Flights per year for all household members:
Tell us about your lifestyle.

How do you handle waste?


Tin Cans



Contribute to climate change with GozAround Green's Carbon calculator. Use the World’s most popular online carbon footprint calculator, and it's FREE. Calculate your carbon emissions from Buildings, Cars, Flights and other sources.

Your Carbon footprint

tons of CO2 / year

Now is the time to take action

Choose your preferred project

How long would you like to offset your carbon emissions?


WindMill Power Generation Project
CAD 1.50
per ton
Support Wind Power Generation

The main purpose of the project activity is to generate electrical energy through sustainable means using wind power resources and to contribute to climate change mitigation efforts. The electricity generated is supplied to the INDIAN grid.

tons of CO2
Your Carbon Footprint
CAD 12
Total amount to offset
Plant Trees Project
CAD 4.50
per ton
Contribute to Tree Planting

Plant enough trees to offset your carbon emissions for a year. Funds will be distributed through Tree Canada and other audited organizations to ensure the necessary number of new trees are planted to off-set your emissions.

tons of CO2
Your Carbon Footprint
CAD 12
Total amount to offset
Efficient Cookstove Project
CAD 12.50
per ton
Efficient Cook Stove Replacement

This cook stove project is run by RIPPLE Africa (a UK charity) and benefits approximately 200,000 people in Malawi. RIPPLE has so far replaced about 40,000 traditional three-stone cooking fires with fuel efficient cook stoves. This project is reducing greenhouse gases emissions as well as preventing deforestation and respiratory diseases in the population.

tons of CO2
Your Carbon Footprint
CAD 12
Total amount to offset

Support Projects

Support a verified carbon reduction project in exact proportion to your emissions.

Windmill Power Generation Project
CAD 1.50
per ton
Support Wind Power Generation

The main purpose of the project activity is to generate electrical energy through sustainable means using wind power resources and to contribute to climate change mitigation efforts. The electricity generated is supplied to the INDIAN grid.

Plant Trees Project
CAD 4.50
per ton
Contribute to Tree Planting

Plant enough trees to offset your carbon emissions for a year. Funds will be distributed through Tree Canada and other audited organizations to ensure the necessary number of new trees are planted to off-set your emissions.

Efficient Cookstove Project
CAD 12.50
per ton
Efficient Cook Stove Replacement

This cook stove project is run by RIPPLE Africa (a UK charity) and benefits approximately 200,000 people in Malawi. RIPPLE has so far replaced about 40,000 traditional three-stone cooking fires with fuel efficient cook stoves. This project is reducing greenhouse gases emissions as well as preventing deforestation and respiratory diseases in the population.


Do you have any other questions, please fee to reach out to us.

Carbon offsetting allows you to support verified projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions in direct proportion to your own. We know it can be very difficult and costly for an average person or family to eliminate their carbon footprint. Offsetting provides a cost-effective means of balancing your unavoidable emissions.
Funds received through GozAround Green are directed to carbon offset projects through organizations such as the UN Carbon Offset Program or Tree Canada. GozAround adds 9% to your calculated offset amount to cover transaction fees and operating expenses.

GozAround directs your contributions to certified offsets generated from projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions via a variety of methods. These projects can:

  • REPLACE the use of fossil fuels with clean renewable energy like wind, hydro or solar;
  • REDUCE energy consumption and the use of fossil fuels through energy efficiency measures like clean cooking stoves or LED light bulbs;
  • CAPTURE already released carbon in trees, plants and other methods.

Further, UN approved projects adhere to strict technological standards and are rigorously scrutinized through an international monitoring, reporting and verification process.

The GozAround carbon offset calculator uses formulas and inputs obtained from a variety of sources. These include Statistics Canada, the US Environmental Protection Agency, Energy Star and several others. For detailed methodology please contact support@gozaround.com.